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What do babies think about in the womb?


Do Infants think or have feelings, babies begins to perceive feelings that prompt them to begin to respond almost immediately after birth. Bur parents will usually have no clue what they're thinking or if they are even thinking anything until they begin to communicate or learn to communicate. You may see them laugh for no reason, something went through their minds.

Babies don’t think like adults because their brains are still growing up to the age of six,. Between the ages of three and six, the last 10% of brain connections are created compared to the 90% that are made before the age of three.

What do babies think when they stare at you?

Babies do have thoughts from the very moment they're born, but not like adults or even as wide as a three years old child. Babies or young infants cannot yet describe or express their feelings or their experiences with words or pictures, the first stage of their ideas, known as proto-thoughts, are based on feelings. Because their brains and thoughts are perceptive to their environments, but not that they are aware of it; because they don’t have capacity for abstract thought or long-term memory. An infants initial thoughts revolve around his or her body and the sensations that occurs around it, such as hunger, feeling of cold, weather comfort, sleepiness, Etc.

At what point can a baby think?


New born babies may begin to engage in intentional movements happening around them, at the fourth month of their life. The child begins to mark the beginning of his or her intellectual growth. The speed of this also depends on his or her biological or parental nature to learning.

But Infants' developing brains mostly advance speedily when they are relaxing or sleeping, exposed to newer stimuli and experiences.

What does it mean when a baby smiles at you a lot?


At the age of six seven or eight months dependent, They will begin to smile at you . things and also able understand the consequences of some of their actions. So at this time they will begin to connect some experiences and happenings and the causes with either positive or negative emotions.

Most children basically or typically begin their language development when they come to 12 months of their life. This is helped and comes with the formation of brain connections between words and things. Some times you will see them shaking the rattle to intentionally just to hear the sound it produces, they will also play with their toys, throwing it to the floor to observe how they land or what they will do.

They will begin to show all this signs of development and ability if the temperature is alright, as they are beginning to make concrete associations between words and things, If they see you or anybody around putting a teddy bear to bed, like for instance, they could make dog noises (such as "bow-wow") and so on mimics other sounds even the sounds you play with them with.

And so at the age of three, most of them have developed enough intelligence to following many simple instructions. But they are still relying on their senses to take informations, rather than engaging in logical thought to discover the causes of seen phenomena. They use symbolic reasoning that is grounded on imagination and originality.

BELOW are some analysis or key areas in the cognitive development of babies:

Babies are more transfixed by their mom's voice and touch, while she talks and plays with her. Babies'  becomes more sensitive to sound development at an early age. Babies' attention is also well and ultimately drawn to noises at one year or a year and a year and a half.

what do babies think about at 1 year?

Do you know what babies think about at 1or  2 months?

Can babies think without language?

what about 3 months?

what do babies think about at 9 months

what do babies think about at 5 months

what do babies think about at 4 months

When infants mimics sounds due to listening behavior. Do they pick up anything useful? “Yes”, Babies could immediately also identify their moms' voice, because even infants have the ability to perceive music. (Pregnant women were instructed to listen to recordings of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" many times daily during one study) roughly a 170 times before the baby is been born, he has heard the tune been played back to back by the mother, and it will sound like someone is singing from three feet away from his mummies tummy.

Children are born naturally with an innate ability to be able to distinguish between home land or mother tongue and other languages.

Many times results have it that Infants as young as 3 days old have been shown to be able to identify specific words in a continuous stream of speech, with the use of brain imaging technology.

How did the infants manage? There are two possible approaches, according to the study.


To begin this, the prosodic and melodic parts and aspects of speech are mostly likely to be relied upon by infants. Like for example, when ever there is change of an obvious shift in tone, we may keep emphasizing certain words. Babies do seem to utilize this as landmarks to help them identify the separating lines between words.

Second, infants obviously seem to pick up on statistical correlations, such as the recurring patterns that may possibly be in language's phonological construction of words. A newborn that listens to English, for example, is likely to gather from exposure to the language that most words finish in consonants.

Because babies gives more or closer attention to adults when they talk to them in the playful slow, repetitive, melodic tone described as "infant-directed speech.





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